When Did We Get So Lazy?

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No, not physical activity lazy, although THAT’S a whole other topic. I mean mentally lazy regarding our food. I so often hear things that just make my ears hurt. “But it says it’s a protein bar” “It’s heart healthy” (what does THAT even mean?) “LOW FAT” (but what kind of fat? and how low? and […]

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End of Treatment Update: Onward and Upward

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Hello world! We’re getting ready to re-enter the real world… Other than all things “hair”, life is returning to normal. We are done with treatment – no more appointments! We can get back to work, life, and some normalcy. Since I posted last, Ed and I have blasted through the final loss of hair and […]

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This is not me! But here’s a quick update!

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I’ve never had short hair. Nor was this planned. And it’s completely out of control! Shooting for a little Meg Ryan, and ended up with the mop head from the gym! (JK – I can make it crazy!) Most of our friends are caught up on what I’m about to put out here…but it was […]

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How to Find a CrossFit Gym

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Your first question should be “Why would I want to?”. That part’s easy. It is the best, completely comprehensive, and “proven” program for functional fitness around. It’s so simple it’s easy for the critics to poke at. But it works. It’s not flashy – but it is – “3, 2, 1, Go!? Come on! It’s […]

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Updated Fish Cake Recipe

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I recently joined wild health. as a healthcare provider. It’s been one of the most eye-opening health journeys I’ve taken in years, and I’m not easily impressed. Not that I’m arrogant by any means, but I read a lot, study a lot and things have to “make sense”. Not just because “someone said”, but rather […]

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Shut The Door!

It happened. An athlete asked me a question I felt myself backing away and shutting them door on them. Gulp! No, double gulp! It wasn’t intentional, but there are steps to accomplish any goal. Want to do a pull up? We first have to develop general integrity of the shoulder, then strength in all the […]

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The Most Basic Nutrition Info: Learn it!

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It’s November as I write this. The weather is finally a little less humid here in Florida, and we can sense fall barreling down the tunnel. There are about two months until the end of the year….until 2022. I don’t know about you but I feel some anxiety of all the things I needed and […]

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