Workouts for week of February 10th
WORKOUTS FOR THE WEEK: MONDAY After a squat-centric warm up... Our four rounds will have us performing: jumping pull ups, high rep kb swings push ups Then, in teams of 2, you'll work through a 15' AMRAP of farmers carries and planks WEDNESDAY Our squat will be a low bar back squat, our overhead will

Words Matter, Even When Talking to Yourself
Back in 2021 the British Journal of Sports Medicine posted and infographic that circulated the interwebs and knocked our socks off. It's always great when a bonafide organization pushes out something we repeat all the time. You've heard us say: be careful using the word "injury" or "injured". First, words matter - when you talk
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End of Health Challenge - Beginning of Healthier Life!
Coach Sam here. I overuse Bill and Bev's images BUT I do it because they exemplify a playful, healthy spirit that both Ed and I hope to embody someday. And the Mindset image is perfect. This challenge was all about you! Yes, some of us had some things to learn. It's really hard to navigate
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GrandMastersRx Seminar
This seminar not only culminates with how to create and program a “Legends Program”, or a physical training program for seniors 65 years of age to 100, but it also educates the attendee as two “why” and “how to” (safely, yet not so passively we don’t get results). Participants will learn invaluable anatomy and physiology of both an aging body but also common pathologies seen in the elderly population, taking the fear out of training the most amazing generation of our time!
GrandMastersRx Products
GrandMastersRx will ultimately provide the following:
- Downloadable instruction manual, A-Z, how to create and run a Legends or “GrandMastersRx” Program.
- Programming: monthly, quarterly or annually
- Business Templates
- Business Coaching/Mentoring