
GMRX Workouts This Week

Workouts for week of January 13th

Workouts for week of January 13th



We’ll squat our butts off in the warm up. Your four-rounder will see:

    • jumping pull ups
    • rope climbs
    • rowing/biking

Then, we’ll partner up for an almost 20 minute conditioning session – be happy for the cooler temps!


Our warm up wtih be more bodyweight/gymnasty than in the past.

Our squat is a touch and go squat clean.

Our press is a push press.

And our hinge is a traditional deadlift.

Simple and effective.



We’re going to work on some barbell skills in our warm up.

Then, we’re squatting again, from the rack, but with a jumping twist.  We’ll take our time and rest between our higher rep sets of back squats and jump rope – it’s a good combination for a Friday.

Then, right before the top of the hour we’ll do one more conditioning session…great way to start the weekend!😈



The Latest Blog/Vlog Posts

End of Health Challenge - Beginning of Healthier Life!

End of Health Challenge - Beginning of Healthier Life!

Coach Sam here.

I overuse Bill and Bev’s images BUT I do it because they exemplify a playful, healthy spirit that both Ed and I hope to embody someday.

And the Mindset image is perfect. This challenge was all about you! Yes, some of us had some things to learn. It’s really hard to navigate the mainstream media’s take on health – and if you do…look where it’s gotten us! Sick and unhealthy. Back in 2008 when Ed and I created “RebelHealth’, which turned into CrossFit Rebels, which is now continuing a similar mission with GrandMastersRx, we knew we had to be “rebels” for our health – we had to push against the mainstream, and advertising, and now, “influencers” who have no credentials or experience and are selling something as a reason they make their claims. I’m not trying to be all “conspiracy theory” or anything, but many of you sent me articles for some of the most generic internet sites with some of the most obnoxiously generic headlines…I’ll never get that time back from reading such generic horseh#t. Yes, I said generic three times…I meant to.

With the Critical Thinking post, I had hoped you’d dig deep and try to make sense of some of the things we tried to convey. Start making fun of some of the stuff in these generic (4th time!) publications and pull your shoulders back and question things. I hope it sticks!

So, our last day. I actually hate this – we should call it the end of Phase 1! That’s it! Phase 2 is about to commence – it’s the week before the holiday, with likely some scheduling challenges with family, the darn gym is closed (WTH, right?), and there will be tempting food everywhere, right? And this phase is going to last until around…January 2nd! It’s a new month+ long challenge. And Phase 3 will be a little easier because you’ll have the whole New Year’s Resolution Hooplah to push you along. But WE are all actually two months ahead of everyone else’s New Year’s Resolutions – if you think about it. Pull those shoulders back and feel pretty confident that you’re two months AHEAD!

In this, our last post of the challenge, I was going to concoct this amazing set of quizzes. But rather, I’ll just pose a question. Ed and I will review each of the answers and assign a score between 1 and 5 – 1 = you were present during the challenge, and 5 = you nailed it! Remember, I’m asking for broad, global theories here, not your specific and individual, uniqueness.  Almost what you would tell someone else as the main points. Remember, not everyone is dairy and gluten intolerant, not everyone believes plants are healthy, and not everyone believes animal protein is healthy. But there are some simple underlying principles that we set forth that guided our journey.

Question: If you were in an elevator and someone got on with you on the first floor – they knew you from LONG ago and said “Hey! You look great! What do you attribute to your health, your strength – you look strong! – and your leanness?” You are both going to the 50th floor – you have time for an official “elevator pitch”. What would you tell your long lost friend the secrets to robust health are? No more than 5 things…3, 2, 1, GO!


Email your answer to:

The Latest Workouts

Workouts for week of January 13th