After our classically perfect gymnastics warm up, we’ll see the following in our 4-rounder:

    • rope climbs
    • burpees
    • walking lunges

Then, off schedule, we’ll bench! 5 rounds including warm up of descending reps and ascending loads.


We’ll complete a fun, team-based warm up, and then tackle our squats (thrusters), our pressing (strict press) and our hinge (barbell deadlift). All lifting, all day.


 Once again we’ll warm up with the Burgener clean warm up.

Then, in teams of 2, like last week. we’ll work a clean complex, climbing in load.

Finally, in teams of two solely for station management, you’ll complete a 16 round workout of two movements: front squats and shuttle runs. Both partners work at the same time – no scheduled rest other than transition to the next station. It’s still cool out so we’re taking advantage of the cooler temps and higher intensity workouts.