After a little mobility to warm up your squats, we’ll work on lightweight Thrusters (PVC->empty BB) in rounds of timed work.
Our Monday 4-rounder will see only two movements today: the dreaded Knees to elbows (or progressions) and a single DB OH carry.
Then, for 20 minutes, in teams of two solely to maintain two stations, you’ll work on timed sets of machine (bike/row) or shuttle, and wall balls. Yes, another squat-centric day but if you haven’t noticed, we’re in desperate need of working on this and hence, the extra practice.
Happy Birthday to Marcia M on Thursday!
First, our old buddy the “warm-up of all warm-ups”. (push, pull, squat).
Then, a longer squat session of high rep front squats and walking lunges, and again, higher rep BB DLs.
Our warm-up will be another coach-led Burgener variation.
In teams of 2 on a barbell, we’ll work on a 10′ EMOM of BB PCs, warming up for our conditioning session.
Then, with a 30:00 cap, in a team relay or individuals (Rx only), we’ll work high rounds of shuttle runs paired with BB DLs, HPC and PP/PJ. Spicy intensity, hence the team version for those not ready to tackle that level of intensity. The goal is to keep moving – if you’re someone who KNOWS they’ll need to rest often, opt for the relay style so it’s scheduled.