We’ll squat our butts off in the warm up. Your four-rounder will see:

    • jumping pull ups
    • rope climbs
    • rowing/biking

Then, we’ll partner up for an almost 20 minute conditioning session – be happy for the cooler temps!


Our warm up wtih be more bodyweight/gymnasty than in the past.

Our squat is a touch and go squat clean.

Our press is a push press.

And our hinge is a traditional deadlift.

Simple and effective.



We’re going to work on some barbell skills in our warm up.

Then, we’re squatting again, from the rack, but with a jumping twist.  We’ll take our time and rest between our higher rep sets of back squats and jump rope – it’s a good combination for a Friday.

Then, right before the top of the hour we’ll do one more conditioning session…great way to start the weekend!😈