Back to a regular schedule this week. Time to brush of the holiday rust and let’s get to it!
We’ll repeat the warm up of all warm ups (soon you’ll get it) to start the week.
Our four-round Monday will include:
- burpees
- KB DLs
- WBs
Then, we’ll partner up on a barbell and work through an EMOM of burpees and power cleans. Solid conditioning and barbell work today.
We’ll do some stepping in our warm up – what could be more functional than that (curbs, stairs).
Our squat will be a BB Front Squat (again, what could be more functional than that? pooping (sitting on the toilet), driving (gotta get down IN THE CAR), eating (SITTING AT THE TABLE)). Our overhead is with a twist – with a dumbbell, you’ll either clean and jerk, or snatch today. And we’ll superset that with walking lunges.
Finally, our hinge will be a traditional BB deadlift.
We love the basics!
We’ll start with a fun partner core warm up.
Then, we’ll work on some barbell skills with an overhead squat focusing on technique over load. We know, some of you just want to go heavy, but how will we ever get good AT that lift unlesss we practice and work the technique. It’s a major skill! So be OK with a PVC pipe or a band today.
We’ll cap off the day with a 2011 CrossFit Open Workout that includes deadlifts, hand release pushups and box step ups. Have fun with this!