Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah!



After a burpee-starter (yay, burpees!), your four-round Monday will see pushups, jump rope and body rows – lots of body-weight movements today. Then, since we’re missing Wednesday’s workout due to the holiday, we’ll hit up our DL strength sesh. Finally cashing out with some core. Yeehaw!


Merry Christmas to our GrandMastersRx family!


Let’s dust that holiday rust off today!

You’ll pull in your warm up. We’re always working on our pushing and pulling strength.

Then, we had good feedback and effort with the last barbell front rack hold – so we’ll work on that again for our strength (core and front rack effort).

Finally, you’ll tackle the CF benchmark Helen today – modified for all abilities – individual and team with some conditions for doing it individually. Helen is a run (we’ll shuttle), kettle bell swings and pull ups or ring rows. it’s multiple rounds, which we seldom do, in a metcon in our program – so have fun with it. Push yourself to work a little harder than you want to today – that’s where the magic happens.