Jumping! If you haven’t noticed we’ve been programming a lot of it. While we “try” to follow the science, the science is behind and we’re experiencing successes and programs not usual of those “your age” right before our eyes. So we will continue to innovate and watch science catch up with us!

Monday – our four rounds are full again: rope climbs, barbell push press, walking lunges and L-sits.

Then, in teams of two, we’ll work box step-ups, preparing for Chad in November for the rest of the hour.

Tuesday – we anticipate being open for Open Gym and Gymnastics.

Wednesday – we are closed due to Hurricane Milton.

Thursday – watch our social pages – TBD

Friday – Grace! Our priority today will be our October Barbells for Boobs celebration of Grace. Every October we perform this workout in order to bring awareness to the fact that screening for this disease is one of our biggest chances for survival. Also, your health – the healthier you are the better. So today, we’ll pair up and work through 30 clean and jerks for time. We’ll run two heads and count/score for each other.

In the end, with time remaining in class, we’ll work on some mobility and agility paired with conditioning.

Have a great week and be safe!