Happy Memorial Day Legends!
Today in three heats we’re honoring Michael Murphy, a Navy SEAL who lost his life in the line of duty. You can read about this American Hero HERE. His story is amazing and today we honor his memory by doing HIS workout. Because we’re honoring his memory we do everything EXCEPTIONALLY WELL: movements will be Rx or still meeting the scaled standard we have established. Reps will be counted accurately and you’ll work hard with your partner to accomplish the task at hand. This is an opportunity for you, in a CrossFit Affiliate, to show your support of this Hero through your actions and performance.
Murph, traditionally, looks like this:
With a 20# vest,
1 mile run
100x pull ups
200x push ups
300x squats
1 mile run
Typically completed within a 60 minute time frame.
Today, since our age demographic has a few challenged related to this:
We’ll offer a row or bike as a sub for the run and shortened distances to keep the intensity up. This is supposed to be hard.
Most of you will be doing ring or body rows as a sub for the pull ups – the few of you that your pull ups, due to the volume, we’ll “chat”!
The push ups will either be done Rx or we can band or bar them.
The squats will be done to Rx or we’ll have boxes to check higher depths.
We’ll honor this hero with our highest level of virtuosity. And we’re super excited to have those of you who also wanted to honor the memory of Michael Murphy. Thank you.