The Friday before a long weekend for some of you…so let’s hit it!
Today, in honor of OBG’s 67th Birthday, we’ll tackle 6 minutes (the 6 in 67) with a partner of:
2 rounds Bear Complex plus 7 burpees (the 7 in 67). Thank OBG for that!
Then the fun continues – in teams of 2 for 15 minutes we’ll tackle Open Workout 11.2 – deadlifts, pushups, and box jumps or steps. Have fun with this!
We’ll calm down a bit with some core work, and then cash out with a little MORE core work!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend folks!
Remember, box is open AM only on Monday, and we scheduled you guys in partners and in heats for Murph….and we’re running off that schedule. Please don’t show up if you haven’t gotten on the heat schedule to train. We HAVE to be able to plan these special events, and if you didn’t comply with the planning….(insert sad face) it looks like a holiday without a workout for you. Dang…we’re so mean!
Happy weekend!