Some of our ladies showing off excellent form in a long sit DB press
Good Morning Legends! and GrandMasters…and CrossFit Weaver Park! (Too many references – we need to fix this 🙂
This week we’re preparing for Grace!
Don’t forget to sign up to participate, or at least come and root on your fellow athletes as they complete the workout Grace on Saturday in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Heats start at 8:30 a.m. and there is an afterparty at Trish’s house from 12-5!
Today we kick off our four-rounder with a movement new to you: a seated tricep extension with the arm overhead. This will be hard for a lot of you, but we’ll help adjust it! We’ll see body rows again, barbell power cleans, and situps.
Next up, a high rep sets of jump rope and DB clean and jerks.
Finally, we’ll close out with some balance work.
Great start to the week!