Check it out above! Sam said: we’re not adding a PM class. Ed said: I’m adding a PM class 😂😂😂

It’s coming your way! Starting Monday 10/4 with an orientation on Friday 10/1, GrandMastersRx’s Legends Program is officially kicking off an evening class for working seniors. This program is a customized CrossFit program tailored for ages 55 and up. At a certain age, our recovery is different, strength and mobility are essential, and some of the typical CrossFit gymnastics and barbell movements are inappropriate and dangerous for a very mature or aged shoulder (dynamic pullups, full snatches). We’re progressive but conservative. We see results without injury or incident. It’s the perfect program for those wishing to excel into their retirement years and beyond. 

This class will cap at 10 members, and we’re reserving space on a first come first serve basis. Email us at for information or to reserve your spot!

Another Monday coming at you!

After a lengthy skill warm-up,  you’ll either be mentally or physically stimulated…or both! We’re working on the positions for the clean today. Grace is coming up, and we keep honing our skills. The most confusing is always the “first pull” – the pull from the deck. This is when the athlete pulls the bar from the deck to the mid-thigh – just that small distance can pose so many issues! We’re pretty decent at pulling from the thigh, but not from the deck. Finally, we’ll spend some time learning to keep the arms straight in the second pull through the middle. So much to do!

Our four rounds today include a high skill gymnastics move in the L-Sit and the more grunty box step up.  Our loaded movements are the single DB C&J and the BB power clean…from the deck. Still preparing for Grace.

Hello Bird Dogs – a nice break from the thinking we’re doing with the cleans.

Our metcon for the day is a modified team burpee step up – anything with burpees is fun!

Finally – some simple balance.

Solid training day.