We’ll be tackling the last week of the CrossFit Open as a challenge today during class and hope to see everyone at the gym tomorrow to support our competitors!
Today’s training starts out with a light BB or PVC warm-up for the posterior chain and lower extremity. We’re warming up for…
…the Friday special: yep! Barbell back squats. Keep working on your technique and if you’re feeling groovy….let’s increase the load.
After a little core work to break up the barbell, we’ll work on some higher intensity DB power cleans.
Finally, we’ll finish off with some accessory work and balance.
21.3 tomorrow at 12:00
Join us tomorrow at noon at the box to see your Legends finish the 2021 CrossFit Open! We’ll have some celebratory carbs and beverages for you and them so be sure to stick around as we recap this event.