Jay Knickerbocker Photography

We culminate the week with fun day of training!

FINALLY, we’re back on the squat racks! Hallelujah! Barbell back squats – music to our ears! After so many months of not sharing “anything”, we’re solid on our cleaning procedures and barbells and racks are again “a thing”.

Next up, a Tabata workout with a teammate – squats and a modified burpee with a med ball.

You can’t finish the week without some plank/core work – insert here!

Finally – a longer conditioning piece – on the minutes with a work to rest ratio of 1:2: Double dumbbell power cleans and thrusters (ouch!).

Cash out with a quick balance drill after we’re already tired and call it a day!

If you’d like more information on our programming, more specifics, check out our Products page – coming soon.