In memory of Milligrams
The guy on the left is Tom Koechlin, aka “Milligrams” to us. His brother “LeBron” (were crazy with nicknames!) is on the right. And Ed and their waitress are in the middle.
Ed promised Milligrams he’d take him and LeBron to Hooters if he’d work hard on shoulder flexion …and the bribe worked! These two guys were the best!!
Our Legends/GrandMastersRx family lost Milligrams Friday at the amazing age of 91!!! With our new venture as a seniors program, we tend to celebrate life more than babies…and Milligrams is definitely someone to celebrate.
Milligrams was strong to the very end. We have known and trained him since 2017! What an amazing and inspiring man. You will be greatly missed.
will start with a spirited core-based warm-up. After that we’ll hit up our four-rounder which will challenge you with:
- loaded ground to overhead
- situps
- lat pull downs
- body rows
Then, in the end, you’ll team up with a partner “you go-I go” farmer carry.
Simple. Effective. Foundational. No circus tricks today!