As a small business, it’s important to plan both our holidays and any “time away from the box”. Many of you who’ve been with us for this past year know that we announced we would likely close for two weeks a year: 2nd and 4th quarters for owner “R&R”. That refresh & reset (previously called rest and relaxation) keeps up tip top for keeping your training fresh and fun.
Our schedule and clientele are such that we aren’t comfortable with the burden it would put on our coaches to cover for both Ed and me (Sam here) for a whole week. As with the second quarter of this year, we’ll announce the closure in advance so our you can plan for it. We offer the opportunity pay full dues and receive a week of home programming, or pay 75% of dues without home programming that month. Having said that, Ed and I will NOT be following through with the option to close a week 4th quarter of 2022 due to the medical challenge we’re working through – travel isn’t an option. We may reconsider that for 1st quarter of next year and we’ll update you as we know.
4th Quarter 2022 Events and Holiday Schedule are as follows:
- Monday 10/31 Halloween: Box Open – Costume WOD
- Friday, 11/11 Veterans Day: Box Open – Special Hero WOD
- Thursday 11/24 Thanksgiving: Box Closed. Enjoy your Turkey Day!
- We will be open regular class schedule Wednesday, 11/23.
- We will be open for a special Black Friday WOD morning only on Friday 11/25
- Teams of 2, cardio-biased workout in heats from 7am to 10am – details to come.
- There will be no 5:30 class that night, so we’ll be encouraging our 5:30 athletes to schedule Friday morning.
- Saturday, December 10th @ Coach Trish’s will be our annual Holiday Party (in the evening – time TBD).
- Monday, December 26th we’ll close for the official Christmas holiday. The 24th falls on a Saturday, and the 25th falls on a Sunday.
- Monday, January 2nd we’ll probably close for the New Year Holiday. We will produce home training for those two Mondays.