Hump Day starts with a Med Ball Drill similar to last week’s drill. We’ll be “better” at it so it won’t be AS confusing as last week!

Next up – as you know, today we gain strength. Wednesdays are about building strength – getting under a heavier load – and pushing the intensity as it relates to your capacity.  We’ll hit a new complex of front squats and thrusters for increasing load (as tolerated). Then we go right into a heavy DB pressing complex.

Before our Theo Walk we have a heavy DB DL set and that’s it for the loads for the day.

At around 10 minutes to the top of each hour – at the end of class – as a group and with the coaches with you, we’ll head out for our 430-meter walk to raise awareness for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation that every day 43 children are diagnosed with some form of cancer. We will have upwards of 65 athletes walking today! We’re so excited and grateful for the opportunity to help bring light to this cause.