Hot Topic!
Well, at least WE think it is. Sarcopenia is age-related muscle loss.
Quick background:
- We know we get weaker as we get older
- We know it’s harder to build and maintain muscle for strength as we get older (but is it impossible?)
- We know the loss of strength is attributed to balance disorders and falls
- We know falls are one of the leading fears of seniors
- We know that recently decreased muscle mass (sarcopenia) was given an official ICD-10 code, which means it’s an official “diagnosis”.
The question is, is sarcopenia a choice? Or at least is a high enough level of sarcopenia to become an official “diagnosis” preventable? (that sounds better, right?)
Recently several articles came across our inboxes. If you read nothing else for a month, read this.
Muscle Mass, Strength, and Longevity, by Howard Luks, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon

Here, in the Legends Program, it’s no secret strength is a priority. I didn’t say THE ONLY priority, I said A priority. But it’s a big one. And getting stronger is hard.
One caveat to Dr. Lux’s article is that doing hard things well into your retirement years is not commonly heard of. You know…you’ve heard it….”be careful”, “don’t do too much”. Seriously, our bodies (at any age) are meant to do hard things. Just because you don’t hold a 9 to 5 anymore doesn’t mean you get to lay on the couch and wither away. If fact, one of our greatest joys as trainers is watching older athletes attempt something hard and nail it! It says: “I’m not old and I can still work hard”.
If sarcopenia is preventable, it should be public knowledge then, that we are allowing lifestyle-related conditions that not only add cost to taxpayers and to insureds but also burden the medical system and lower the quality of life of our elders. In what society should that be allowed? Food for thought.