Mobility, flexibility, range of motion…all terms used in the fitness world, the medical world and in the mainstream. All buzz words that are attractive as blog post titles and also sought after abilities for those who lack them.
Above you’ll see Donna exhibiting a very nice front rack position with the barbell sitting on her shoulders and being balanced by her hands.
Front Rack Mobility, or very simply stated, the ability for you to outstretch our arm in front of you, and then touch your thumb to your shoulder, is important in the exercises we do in the Legends Program. It’s the ability to clean and receive a barbell well. Dumbbells can offer some leniency in the front rack position, which is why we use them – you can be successful without stressing the wrists. But ultimately cleaning a barbell with a beautiful front rack position is highly sought after and, frankly, entirely possible for most people who begin to train in a CrossFit-style program.
Above you’ll see Coach Ed working with two very capable Legends athletes. Both are working toward a better front rack position.
LUCKILY, the generation we work with here at Legends is a patient generation. The body does not reverse where it’s been for years overnight. Nor does it like to change it’s norm quickly. Things take time, but progress is apparent and if worked on daily/weekly, progress is made!
Above, the two gentleman Coach Ed is working with need improved mobility in the shoulders and wrists, and perhaps some soft tissue work in the lats and muscles around the shoulders. Many of the athletes we work with have these very same restrictions. Over time, improvements are made, and often first seen in this front rack position.
It’s a great screening tool for coaches to test this position with a PVC pipe. Regardless of age, progress is possible.
How do we work in this? General mobility in the warm up, lightly loaded cleans and front squats, hangs from the bar, even some serratus pushups help us wake up tight or lacking muscles. A barrage of movements will contribute to the success of this position if performed consistently. Frequency and consistency is key here to unlocking years of mobility restrictions.