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This link will take you to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation’s website. They have graciously created and are hosting the registration and “giving” site for our event to free us up to celebrate Theo and focus our organizational efforts onsite the day of the event.

Please join us as we celebrate the life of Theo Huff, and raise money for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. We know our community is “splintered” but we’re still together in “all the things” that made us one of the best CrossFit Communities “in our day”.

On October 28th, from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. we will host a “traditional” day of CrossFit workouts to raise money for pediatric cancer research. We chose most of the traditional CrossFit BenchMark Girls and a few straight-line benchmarks, like the 5K Row. Bring your best bud, Rebel OG, or just yourself and hang out, throw down, and enjoy the “feels” of the supportive and familiar environment of our Rebel Family.


Dear Rebels Friends,

On October 28, 2023, Sam and Ed will host the very first OG Rebels: Remembering Theo fundraising event in honor of our son Theo, who passed away from cancer in October 2016 at 19 months old. Many of you in the extensive Rebels family supported us during that incredibly difficult time in our lives, including sharing many beatdowns in Sam and Ed’s palace on Sunnydale. We will always be grateful for the love and support you provided us then and now.  Sadly, advances in the treatment of pediatric cancers are scientifically and financially extremely challenging. The treatments available for children diagnosed with Theo’s cancer have not improved since 2015. We humbly ask for your support, again, to help us change that. Every day, 43 children will be diagnosed with cancer, and more than 40,000 children are in treatment every year. The brutal truth is that 1 in 285 children will be diagnosed with cancer, and 12% of them will not survive. More research is desperately needed to find better treatments for kids like Theo—the funding of which is largely (and disappointingly) dependent upon philanthropy. To no surprise to any of you, Sam and Ed continuously and graciously support their people.  This OG Rebels event will benefit the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation (NPCF). NPCF funds pediatric cancer research across a network of more than 30 children’s hospitals across the country. NPCF’s goal is to accelerate discoveries through scientific collaboration to find more effective, less toxic treatments for children. We invite you to join OG Rebels: Remembering Theo to have a blast with many of the OGs and make a difference doing so. We hope to see you on the 28th for a great time that also helps kids and their families faced with a cancer diagnosis.

With love and gratitude,

Ricky and Leah Huff

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