If you are a Coach, what's funny is we focus on having a solid level of knowledge of ALL OF THESE THINGS as one of the foundations of our program....most of these conditions are prevalent in our society in 30 and 40 year olds now...compared to years past. While osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis MAY wait until the 50's and 60's to show up, the rest are appearing in younger adults. It's time to step up our game as coaches and trainers. Teaching and air squat and a muscle up are no longer enough!


We’ll work through our typical Monday four rounds “not for time” today with the following movements:

  • goblet squats and air squats
  • bicep curls
  • situps
  • box step ups

Then, to work your brain and your body, we’ll challenge you with a 12 min AMRAP with a twist in the middle of each third of the workout. And of course we’d start the week with some burpees…expect to see them in this metcon.

Congrats on continuing to show up and work on your health!