Today is Tuesday, yet we’re training a regular class schedule today.

Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July and are ready to celebrate with a Hero WOD.

Today we will do a non-traditional CF Hero named “Tellier”. It’s a great bodyweight Hero. We’ll do this today individually (not in teams) and offer you a 1/2 version of the reps for those who don’t think they can tackle the whole thing. Modifications for movements will be provided, as usual.


For Time:
10 Burpees

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges
100 Sit-Ups

10 Burpees
25 Push-Ups
50 Lunges
100 Sit-Ups
150 Air Squats