We start our Monday with our typical “four-rounder”. Today we’ll see:

  • KB Swings – single arm
  • Rope-a-dope
  • Wall Squats
  • Heavy Overhead Carries

While that’s a challenge, so will be our first introduction to Helen after returning from COVID closure.  Helen is a CrossFit Benchmark Girl (BMG).  Benchmarks allow us to complete a workout – for time, and then again sometime later to see if we’re faster, stronger…fitter.  Helen is no exception. Except today, as most of us are coming back from a little training hiatus (again!), we’ll do Helen as a team.  Helen for us today will be done in teams – 250 M row, 21x KB swings, and 12x parallel (scalable) ring rows. Good luck team!

If you have anything left, we’ll end with balance.

Happy Monday!