The CrossFit Games culminated last weekend. The Masters Division was super inspiring! Check out the image from CrossFit HQ’s instagram page: read the caption!
Okay – thought I’d catch your eye with the Strongest Camel WOD….makes me want to do that WOD! Just meant it’s hump day (camel) and we do strength WODs on Wednesday (strongest).
So we’re KB goblet squatting in high reps today.
Then BB movement include more work on the front rack in a PC & J, and then a DL. We’ll work that front rack mobility in between our power cleans. Consistency with this series of stretches will help you a) remember them so you can do them on your own, but all b) show improvement quicker (frequency and consistency).
Next up: a little work on intensity: EMOM style WOD with burpees…love burpees, right?
And a surprise finisher!
Happy Hump Day